My fasting week went much better after the very difficult Monday I had to push through. I also fasted Wednesday and yesterday on Friday, and both were more or less effortless. I got a little hungry once or twice, but it wasn't the all-day-long gnawing hunger I couldn't ignore, at all. It was very ignorable. I feel like I'm back on track with fasting.
But it's today's weight that really floors me. If I weren't already a believer in Eat Stop Eat, this week would be my ultimate convincer. Last week I was feeling so blah and out of control; this week I have my lowest official weigh-in yet. This one week wiped out all the excesses of Christmas and put my results back on track. I was hoping to be around 145; to have my lowest weigh-in yet is more encouraging and bolstering than I can say.
I'm still very excited to eat today and tomorrow. After a fast, it feels like a treat just to eat good, healthy foods. I've already got today's meals planned and I'm looking forward to all of them! And I'm already looking forward to my fasts this week and next Saturday's weigh in. Bring it on. I can do this.
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