Saturday, January 24, 2009

I know it's almost redundant to keep hammering the Happy...

...but I am in such a good mood right now. Exercise this morning was good, breakfast was delicious. Weigh in was good. :)

Brad Pilon posted yesterday about how unhealthy it is to limit a diet to certain foods, even if they're "superfoods". Variety is the key, and he emphasized there are no bad foods.

No bad foods.

This morning I had some healthy roasted potatoes, carrots, and soyburger for breakfast. And I also had one of those Costco muffins that might as well be birthday cake. In the past I've felt guilty about eating those muffins, but not today. In fact I feel perfectly satisfied. It was just the right touch of sweet and satisfying (and probably fatty) to make me feel absolutely contented. Breakfast and indulgent treat all in one.

Does life get better than this?

Now playing: Radiohead - Faust Arp
via FoxyTunes

OMgosh I'm so PSYCHED

I can't believe it. 143.8!

My fasting week went much better after the very difficult Monday I had to push through. I also fasted Wednesday and yesterday on Friday, and both were more or less effortless. I got a little hungry once or twice, but it wasn't the all-day-long gnawing hunger I couldn't ignore, at all. It was very ignorable. I feel like I'm back on track with fasting.

But it's today's weight that really floors me. If I weren't already a believer in Eat Stop Eat, this week would be my ultimate convincer. Last week I was feeling so blah and out of control; this week I have my lowest official weigh-in yet. This one week wiped out all the excesses of Christmas and put my results back on track. I was hoping to be around 145; to have my lowest weigh-in yet is more encouraging and bolstering than I can say.


I'm still very excited to eat today and tomorrow. After a fast, it feels like a treat just to eat good, healthy foods. I've already got today's meals planned and I'm looking forward to all of them! And I'm already looking forward to my fasts this week and next Saturday's weigh in. Bring it on. I can do this.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Not traumatic today

Given how hard it has been to fast, I decided I just had to power through Monday. I'm not going to lie, it was hard. I was thinking about food and imagining meals, and my stomach growled the entire day.

But I made it—from after dinner on Sunday to breakfast Tuesday morning. And yesterday, after a fast that was difficult for me, I made sure to eat three meals that made me smile and tasted delicious. It's a good thing when eating healthy food feels like treating yourself, right? That was me, yesterday.

I'm fasting again today, and it's not nearly as difficult as Monday was. I don't feel hungry at all. I guess I just had to get over that fasting hump again, maybe. Here's hoping my line will start slanting back downward by my Saturday morning weigh-in.

Now playing: Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, January 17, 2009

But I like food! I *want* to eat!

I suppose I've had a hard time since our Christmas road trip getting back into the swing of things. I don't know why; why is it that sometimes I lack the personal strength and motivation to do what I really want? Because I do want to lose weight. But instead of fasting twice a week and exercising as often as I needed to, I made excuses not to exercise in the morning ("I'll do it a bit later!" which I never do) and I wimped out on my fasts.

I think I may have rediscovered my motivation this morning though. My weigh in: 147.4.

I think it isn't the Christmas eating that derails me. (And maybe I'm not alone in this?) It isn't the indulgences at Christmas parties or on Christmas day, it's all the other stuff that I rationalize because of the indulgences at parties and on Christmas day. "Well I ate chocolate then, another few pieces now won't kill me. I didn't gain that much then, I probably won't gain that much now." I didn't mind the little bit of weight gain from Christmas. But I'm not nearly so sanguine about the fact that I'm still slowly increasing now, three weeks after Christmas.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Back in the saddle—giddyup!

Christmas was fantastic, vacation was fantastic, New Years was fantastic.

Ate like it was a contest and I had to win. :-/ So much delicious food! And I have just about no resistance to yummy Christmas treats. Am having the hardest time with chocolate minty cookies and Almond Roca.

And so it was with trepidation and fear that I stepped on the scale this morning, and with great satisfaction that I noted I'd only gained two-point-something pounds. That's survivable. In fact, I'm proud of my body for handling the onslaught of calories and sugar that well.

Just before Christmas I was having difficulty staying warm, maintaining my own body temperature. I just was chilly all the time. I live in a drafty, old 115-year-old house so that is definitely part of the problem, but I also wondered if it was metabolic. Though I'll add I wasn't worried (as I would have been before Eat Stop Eat) that I'd "destroyed my metabolism" or ruined my capability to burn fat or anything like that; I just figured that it was a natural effect of a cycle of intermittent fasting.

Then once we got to our Christmas vacation destination and I ate meals daily and treats here and there, my body cranked up like a furnace. I was warm enough by the end of day one and too warm by day three, with no adjustment of ambient cabin temperature. I don't know what it all means, but I found it interesting. The heat generation and ability to maintain my own warmth has continued since coming home.

But I have had the hardest time getting back into the swing of fasting. There is still so much good food around, and I want it. I've settled this week for adopting a pattern of abbreviated fasts (two meals) here and there and smaller portions at meals, coupled with eating some Christmas treats. I hasn't made me lose weight, but as I said I'm happy with only a 2+ pound gain.

And today is a new day, a new week, a new year. Today I can look at that box of treats and not be desperate, because I've had my fill. I haven't denied myself anything, and all that is in there is more of the same. Today I do a real 24-hour fast again. I've already done my strength training. Today I find my strength to do what I really want to do. :)

Now playing: Sia - Soon We'll Be Found
via FoxyTunes