Monday, October 20, 2008

The next jog along the path

I'm starting my first fast today, and I'm really pretty excited about it. I've been excited since I found this, because it feels sort of like the missing link in everything I've read/learned/done. This is definitely more extreme than anything I've done in more than a decade to lose a few pounds, I've been a slow-and-steady sort of girl who doesn't even label my efforts a "diet". Even this I look on as a personal science experiment, willingly undertaken because the claims and backing data were so intriguing. Because we have regular monthly fasts as part of our religion, and because I don't want to set an unhealthy example for the children if this experiment turns out to be a bust, I'm going to call my fasts "Stops" for the time being, to differentiate. I just finished a 100-calorie snack, and now I'm on a Stop until about 3:00 tomorrow.

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